The 4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Add ACH Processing

At this point almost every business is taking credit cards, but what about ACH? What many business owners fail to recognize is that ACH payments comes at a significant cost savings compared to running credit cards. At Gulf Management Systems, we always strive to have our clients integrate ACH recurring payments. For businesses that accept payments on a recurring basis, ACH is a must!

Find Out the 4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Add ACH

Lower Costs Than Credit Cards

With ACH, you only pay a flat fee for the payments you process. If you’re processing large amounts in payments, you won’t be paying a higher rate in processing fees. For example, if you’re paying 2.75% for credit cards on a $50 transaction, you will pay $1.37 But with ACH, you would only pay a flat rate of $0.50 for that same transaction. If you have clients that pay your business monthly, you can save a significant amount of money per month by implementing ACH processing.

It’s a Seamless Implementation

Unlike credit cards or other online shopping carts, implementing ACH is a seamless transition for businesses. Since Gulf Management Systems is a direct ACH provider, were able to facilitate the whole process. Since we’re a direct ACH processor, we can handle all of the payments directly for businesses. There’s also no equipment or technology involved with adding ACH processing, like there is with credit card terminals or check scanners.

It’s a Secure Way to Accept Payments

Did you know that the ACH network is one of the largest and safest payment networks? ACH payments are the safest method for you and your clients to securely pay and for your business to receive payments. Since ACH runs through checking accounts, there is less fraud involved as opposed to stolen credit card transactions which can be frequent. Give your clients the peace of mind knowing their payments data is secure with your business. Also, they won’t have to worry about late fees since ACH payments run automatically on a set period your company can dictate as well.

Great for Businesses Handling Recurring Payments

For any kind of business handling recurring payments, whether you’re a gym, tanning salon, or even a property maintenance company, ACH payments can be beneficial for your monthly clients. You want to make sure you get paid on time, every time. ACH ensures that payments are processing on the set schedule you decide. Do you charge clients on the 30th every month? No problem, once you set your clients up with ACH, neither of you will have to worry about missed bills!

Picture of Jon Micklow

Jon Micklow

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About Gulf Management Systems

Gulf Management Systems (GMS) offers all the payment management systems that you need for your business. Our affordable management systems are designed to simplify your business management so that you can save time and money. Our payment management solutions include ACH payments, Credit Card Processing, Virtual terminals, Direct Deposit,  payment management software, and more! 

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