Non-Profit Organizations

Grow Your Non-Profit with GMS

We’re proud to say, since 1992, GMS has partnered with thousands of 501(c)(3)s and non-profit organizations. Our goal is to help non-profits retain their donors longer which in turn leads to better contributions. We provide payment tools, software, and customer support which attracts and engages charitable donors. We’ve helped raise over 110 million dollars for our charitable giving clients, let us help you next.

Donation Processing

GMS offers the lowest processing rates in the industry as well as top notch customer service. Enhance your website and easily accept one-time or recurring donations. Exceed your projected goals and collect donations through your website, software, or fundraising event! Setting up your merchant account is easier than you think and we can have you processing donations in no time at all.

Donor Management Software

Use RhinoNP to simplify your day to day donor management duties. Set up fundraising campaigns, collect donations online, and track your monthly donations, all while meeting your goals. Raise money selling products from your online store or website, additionally you can set up a fundraiser, or create donor forms that easily plug into your existing website.

Charitable Referral Network

Grow your donation network using our DonorBOO$T software! DonorBOO$T allows non-profit organizations to easily grow their network and partner with local businesses and organizations. It’s never been easier to refer and sign up new business. We offer a monthly donation for every transaction that occurs within your donor network, as well as providing you with the lowest processing rates.

Donor BOO$T

Harnesses the true power of the donor community with DonorBOO$T. Connect local businesses, merchants, and organizations to help boost donations for your non-profit.

Rhino LGBT

Rhino LGBT is a powerful, easy to use member management software. Designed to help ease the daily tasks of running a small business, in fact you can now run your charity easily with less staff.


RhinoNP is a donor management software designed for non-profits and charitable organizations. Use the power of the Rhino to help simplify donation collection and fundraising campaigns.

More About Donor BOO$T More About LGBT More About RhinoNP